----The time is now.
----"Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits into this empty place in your heart."
If you could look like anything...anything at all....what would you look like? I'd be the wind.
...........It's easy to be someone's friend when all you need is someone to console you. It's much harder to be there for them when they're happy all the time.
.............Even when I say nothing, it's a beautiful use of negative space.
Friday, May 14, 2010
to be alone
because I can't say no to Taylor.
Hi my name is Nora and I'm an idiot. I can barely remember to tie my shoes in the morning, much less post on a blog every day for longer than Taylor, Who I'm pretty sure was the first disqualified from that last official blog-off.
This is me:
I just hope I can remember this blog contest at all so that I can continue to remind myself of what a failure I am and prevent further disappointment on my behalf. Nora note: HAHAHAHA BEST PICTURE EVER. It looks JUST LIKE ME.
8:32 AM
Haha, I'm glad you actually posted this. You're a good sport.
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