----The time is now. ----"Sometimes someone says something really small and it just fits into this empty place in your heart."


If you could look like anything...anything at all....what would you look like? I'd be the wind. ...........It's easy to be someone's friend when all you need is someone to console you. It's much harder to be there for them when they're happy all the time. .............Even when I say nothing, it's a beautiful use of negative space.

Blind Eyes Closed
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
after you  
from my softball game on Sunday:

"Hey, you should catch the ball in your hat like in that movie with the girls playing baseball. I don't remember what it's called, but I think they had their own league."

8:25 AM 1 comments


Not quite related, but I had a cute little story I've been wanting to tell, so I'm going to shoehorn it in here and pretend it's the same thing.

I was talking to someone at work about music and she postulated that musicians who use drugs are never good once they go clean. I tried to think of a contrary example and concluded that John Lennon was still good after "Cold Turkey," to which she replied, "John Lennon did drugs?"

By Blogger Jake, at 6/10/2010 11:35 PM  

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